In den letzten Jahren hat die Nutzung von Elektromobilität stark zugenommen, denn sie ist ein wichtiger Schritt in Richtung Klimaneutralität und hilft dabei, Co2-Emissionen einzusparen. Bei ROCKETHOME ist sie ein integraler Bestandteil der klimaneutralen Energieinfrastruktur in Immobilienprojekten. Das Konzept ist nachhaltig und energieeffizient und spart langfristig Kosten. Wie können Ladestationen umgesetzt werden, wie werden sie finanziert und lohnen sie sich überhaupt? Diese Fragen beantworten wir hier:
Alle Vorteile auf einem Blick
Nachhaltige und energieeffiziente Konzepte
Zukunftssichere Immobilien
Umfassende Beratung und Planung
Einfache Bedienung in der App
Optionaler Abrechnungsservice
Eine IoT-Plattform mit vielen Funktionen und Services
Wie kann ich E-Mobilität finanzieren?
Wie kann ich E-Mobilität finanzieren?
Wie kann ich E-Mobilität finanzieren?
Wie kann ich E-Mobilität finanzieren?
Wie kann ich E-Mobilität finanzieren?
Wie kann ich E-Mobilität finanzieren?
E-Mobilität ist derzeit zwar noch mit vergleichsweise hohen Kosten verbunden, jedoch gibt es eine Vielzahl von Fördermöglichkeiten, die den Umstieg auf E-Mobilität erleichtern. Die KfW Bank bietet beispielsweise eine Förderung von 900 € bis zu 9.000 €. Auch Bundesländer, Städte und Gemeinden haben eigene und ergänzende Förderprogramme, die eine finanzielle Unterstützung beim Aufbau von Ladeinfrastruktur ermöglichen und von uns in Ihrem individuellen Projekt berücksichtigt werden.
Eine eigene Ladeinfrastruktur ist langfristig sinnvoll, da öffentliche Ladestationen oft belegt und teurer sind. Mit einer eigenen Ladestation haben Sie jederzeit Zugang zu einer schnellen und kostengünstigen Ladung. Eine eigene Ladeinfrastruktur erhöht denKomfort und die Attraktivität Ihrer Immobilie und trägt zur Wertsteigerung bei.
Eine eigene Ladeinfrastruktur ist langfristig sinnvoll, da öffentliche Ladestationen oft belegt und teurer sind. Mit einer eigenen Ladestation haben Sie jederzeit Zugang zu einer schnellen und kostengünstigen Ladung. Eine eigene Ladeinfrastruktur erhöht denKomfort und die Attraktivität Ihrer Immobilie und trägt zur Wertsteigerung bei.
Unser digitales Ökosystem bietet Ihnen: Wir bieten maßgeschneiderte Komplettlösungen für Elektromobilität - nahtlos integriert in Mieter:innen-Applikationen und verwaltet in einem ganzheitlichen Property Management Tool.
Steuerung per App: Bewohner:innen und Mitarbeiter:innen können in unserer App den Status des Ladevorgangs einsehen, starten und beenden, sowie Besucher:innen den Zugang zu der eigenen Ladesäule oder Wallbox gewähren.
Verwaltung im Property Manager: Der IoT Property Manager kann Berechtigungen verwalten und einzelnen Mieter:innen entsprechende Ladestationen zuordnen. Über den Property Manager hat der:die Verwalter:in eine Übersicht über die wichtigsten Informationen der Ladestationen, wie zum Beispiel die Energiemengen, Ladezeiten und die frühzeitige Erkennung von Fehlermeldungen.
We may use the information you provide to inform you or contact you regarding products and services that we feel would be of interest to you. We may share your information with our affiliates and partners for the same purposes. We may retain your information to facilitate contact, or to provide service to you in the future.
We collect personal information (such as your name, street address, email address and phone number) that you have voluntarily submitted to us through features on our website such as contact forms. To aid in the administration of our website, we may also temporarily log your IP address. This helps diagnose problems with our server and it provides us usage statistics that assist us when developing our advertisement campaigns. Your IP address may vary each time you visit, or it may be the same, depending on your internet provider. Either way, we cannot identify you through your IP address, and we make no attempt to do so. If you reached our site by clicking on a link or advertisement on another site, then we also track that information. This helps us maximize our internet exposure, and it helps us understand our users' interests. All this information is collected and used only in the aggregate; that is, it is entered into our database, where we can use it to generate overall reports on our visitors, but not individual reports that identify you personally. All the information we do store, we protect within commercially acceptable means to prevent loss and theft, including but not limited to unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use, or modification. NOTWITHSTANDING THE FOREGOING, NO TRANSMISSION OVER THE INTERNET IS IMPENATRABLE, NOR IS ANY METHOD OF STORAGE. WE CANNOT GUARANTEE THE SECURITY OF OUR SERVICES, NOR CAN WE GUARANTEE THAT THE INFORMATION YOU PROVIDE WILL NOT BE INTERCEPTED WHILE BEING TRANSMITTED TO US OVER THE INTERNET. THEREFORE, WHILE WE STRIVE TO USE COMMERCIALLY REASONABLE MEANS TO PROTECT YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION, WE CANNOT GUARANTEE ITS ABSOLUTE SECURITY.
You have the right to request access to and receive information about the personal information we maintain about you, and to make a request to update or correct inaccuracies in your personal information and have the information deleted—as appropriate. All requests regarding your personal information must be directed to our corporate office through our Contact Us link and may require a written request along with photo ID.
We also use Google Analytics, which uses first-party cookies (such as the Google Analytics cookie) and/or other first-party identifiers, and/or third-party cookies (such as Google Advertising cookies) or other third-party identifiers to make advertising more engaging to our users. Google Analytics is a web analysis service provided by Google that utilizes the data collected across multiple devices to track and examine the use of this website to prepare reports on its activities and share them with other Google services. Google may use the data collected to contextualize and personalize the ads of its own advertising network. The Google Analytics features we have implemented include Remarketing with Google Analytics; Google Display Network Impression Reporting; Google Signals; and Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting.
You may opt-out of Google Analytics tracking by visiting
Our website may link to external sites that are not operated by us. Please be aware that we have no control over the content and practices of these sites, and do not accept responsibility or liability for their respective privacy policies and practices.
If you agree to receive e-mail messages from us, we may retain the information you provide us to deliver e-mails of interest to you. If you choose to send us e-mails, we may retain the content of your e-mail message, your e-mail address, and our subsequent response. When sending us an email, please note that email is not a secure channel of communication.
We also use "cookies," which are small text files that we place on your computer's hard drive. A cookie may contain information that allows us to track your path through our website and to determine whether you have visited us before. A cookie contains no information that would allow us to identify you. We use cookies to help us understand how visitors use our site, and to help us to improve our site. You may refuse to accept a cookie from us by following the procedures specific to your web browser. Although you may do so, you may find that your browser reacts strangely when visiting not only our website, but other websites as well. Since cookies do not provide us with any information from which we can identify you, we suggest you allow us to place one on your computer.
We use web beacons on our site or other sites and sometimes permit third parties to place them on our site to monitor the effectiveness of advertising or for other legitimate purposes. A web beacon is a small, graphic image on a webpage, web-based document or in an e-mail message that is designed to allow the site owner or a third party to monitor who is visiting a site. Web beacons are often invisible to the user because they are typically very small (only 1-by-1 pixel) and the same color as the background of the webpage, document, or e-mail message. Web beacons are represented as HTML IMG tags in the webpage; users can click on "view profiles" of the webpage to see whether the page is using a web beacon.
We do not knowingly solicit children to purchase our services or products. Our websites are not designed to attract children under the age of 13, and we do not intentionally or knowingly collect personal information on our websites from anyone under the age of 13.